The Country Club

3417 days ago

A Quindell Christmas Carol …part one

It was the night before Christmas and all was still at the Country Club, Rob Terry called home. The great man himself had decided to call it a day early and was lying (as is his wont) on his enormous four poster bed. Young Mrs Terry had said that she was going out with girlfriends To S.Daddy, a new nightclub in Southampton and so Rob’s only companions were his two faithful poodles Canakos and Cencord who lay snoring at the foot of his bed.

The two watchdogs were definitely off duty that night, as every night, but Rob himself was finding it hard to fall asleep. He tried counting sheep. 1 + 1 makes 2, 2+ 1 makes 3, 2+ 2 makes 5, it went on but to no avail. Pulling on a Quenron corporate Christmas Jumper


3456 days ago

Friday Quindell Caption Contest - Jobs Going at the Country Club Edition

Are you a member of the QPPSAG and worrying about how to explain to the Mrs that Christmas is going to be cancelled until 2021? Are you employed by a well known Fraudulent company based in Fareham and worried that you are about to lose your job? Or are you a board member at Quindell facing an enforced career change within the next few days? I am here to help, The Sheriff can reveal that one Hampshire based business is hiring aggressively. Yes it is the Country Club!


3467 days ago

Saturday caption Contest – Rob Terry of Quindell Edition

In light of today’s damming podcast showing that Rob Terry has committed securities fraud, the caption contest today is in honour of the Quenron (QPP) founder, Mr 2+2 can = 5 himself. 

The picture is of Wormwood scrubs and we invite you to post your suitable captions in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight Sunday. 

For what it is worth my entry is:

 “On arrival at his new Country Club, Rob Terry explains to his guards that he got 2 years for accounting fraud and 2 years for securities fraud but that 2+2 can = 3
